
Explore Exclusive Member-to-Member Offers!

Unlock a world of incredible deals right here in the heart of Whistler! Your fellow Chamber Members are extending their hands with exclusive offers tailor-made for you.

From adrenaline-pumping adventures, to fine dining to spa treatments, our vibrant community has it all, and now at unbeatable prices. As a valued member, you’re entitled to these exceptional benefits that can elevate both your business and leisure experiences.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to support local businesses while enjoying exceptional discounts. Your membership isn’t just for business resources and support — it’s your key to discovering the best that Whistler has to offer.

Check out these incredible Member-to-Member offers today and make the most of your membership!

Are you interested in offering a special deal or benefit for fellow Whistler Chamber Members? It’s easy! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to the Member portal
  2. Click on the “Member To Member Offers” from the menu on the left hand side of the screen
  3. Select “Add member To Member Offer” and fill out the details, add images and links etc. then hit “submit for approval”
  4. Once approved, your FREE ad will be displayed here!

If you are having problems signing in, please contact the chamber by emailing chamber@whistlerchamber.com. If you do not have a login you can sign up here


Whistler Workers Gift- 20% all tuning services at Underground Tuning!

Offer Valid: 01/21/2025 - 03/15/2025
Access tuning discounts today!
We at Underground Tuning are excited to offer a special token of appreciation and exclusive offer to the hardworking employees who make Whistler such an incredible place to live, work, and play. As a valued part of our vibrant community, we’d like to extend a 20% discount on all tuning services to employees of Whistler businesses.

For over 25 years, Underground Tuning has proudly served the tuning needs of Whistler’s skiers and snowboarders. Renowned for our premium hand-tuningovernight service, and commitment to excellence, we ensure every pair of skis and snowboards receives meticulous care for top performance on the slopes. With no appointments necessary, we make it easy to keep your gear in peak condition—all while fitting into your busy schedule.
Key Details of Our Offer:
  • What: 20% off all tuning services
  • Who: Employees of Whistler businesses
  • Where: Underground Tuning, conveniently located in Summit Hotel
  • When: Available during our store hours, 7 days a week, 8 AM to 6 PM (Closed noon-1pm)
We invite you to share this exclusive offer with your team and encourage them to visit us to experience the high-quality service and craftsmanship that has made Underground Tuning a trusted name in the community since 1998.

Thank you for being an essential part of what makes Whistler so special. We look forward to seeing you and your team on the slopes and in our shop!

This Member To Member Offer is promoted by Whistler Chamber.